
Home Services

Home services include HVAC, plumbing, electrical, concrete, general construction, roofing, and more. Apogee works closely with major buyers in the HVAC and plumbing industry, while still helping to sell all types of construction companies. Click here to learn more about our work with large HVAC and plumbing buyers.

Medical Services

Medical companies provide a variety of healthcare-related services, such as general practices, specialists, hospitals, dentists, pharmacies, rehab facilities, and more.



Manufacturing Companies operate factories or other production facilities that fabricate various types of goods for customers. These companies often work with design companies to transform raw materials into finished goods.


Business Services

Business service companies provide specialized services to businesses of varying sizes. These services allow a company to operate more efficiently. One example of this is internet service providers.

Financial Services

Financial Services

Financial Service companies provide a variety of banking, investing, insurance, and accounting related services to businesses or individuals. Businesses can be operated locally or through larger chains.

Other Industries

Other Industries

Don’t think your company fits into any of the above categories? We can still help you. Reach out to us and let us know what you do and we will figure out the best way to help you sell your company.